The Good Life And How To Live It: Lessons from the World's Longest Scientific Study of Happiness


Why we chose this title

The question of what makes life worth living is one that we all contemplate in our own ways. Despite our varying individual aspirations, we are all ultimately seeking the same emotional experience - a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction with life. Perhaps if we shifted our focus towards cultivating that feeling rather than fixating on specific goals that we believe will bring us happiness, our lives would look quite different. This shift would require us to regularly check in with ourselves, becoming attuned to the things that bring us joy and fulfillment versus those that do not. We would be empowered to take responsibility for our own happiness and grant ourselves permission to live our best lives - lives that are truly worth living.

Book Summary

Based on findings from the 80-year-long Harvard Study of Adult Development, this landmark book reveals the simple yet surprising truth: the stronger our relationships, the more likely we are to live happy, satisfying and overall healthier lives.

Revealing the ground-breaking research behind the world's longest study on happiness, programme directors Dr Robert Waldinger and Dr Marc Schulz bring together scientific precision, traditional wisdom, incredible real-life stories and actionable insights to prove once and for all that our own wellbeing and ability to flourish is absolutely within our control.

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