Happy Together
Why we chose this film
In the course of our lifetime many of us experience different kinds of relationships.
Expectations and ideas of what true love looks like vary greatly.
Curiously there seems to be a fascination for passionate relationships, like the ones depicted in movies or literature.
When asked about, what it is that makes them so appealing, the response is often that they make us feel alive.
However, where passion is present, suffering is never too far away.
Interestingly the German word for passion is Leidenschaft.
Leiden means to suffer.
Why would we want to suffer in order to feel alive?
For love to be synonymous with suffering,
especially if it involves somebody we care about.
Ru Paul famously says: If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?
Rather than making others responsible for feeling loved, we might want to start with ourselves.
Self-love requires kindness and respect, which both sound like a great foundation for a commitment to somebody else.
Film Summary
Lai and his lover Ho go on a trip to Buenos Aires from Hong Kong.
Their torrid relationship lives out among lusty tango bars and the salsa music of La Boca sidewalks. But tensions grow between the two lovers, as they find themselves far from home with their lives drifting in opposite directions.