Why we chose this film
“Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species man acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world.”
~ Rachel Carson
It is equally fascinating and frightening to see the impact that humans have had on this planet. There are hardly any areas that haven’t been dominated and taken control of.
And there seems to be no end in sight.
Every day vast amounts of wilderness continues to be transformed to satisfy the needs of an ever-growing population.
The past years have shown us that there is a price to be paid for the exploitation of this earth. Climate change is an undeniable fact. While certain areas are experiencing never-ending droughts, others are drowning under endless amounts of rainfall. It may be overwhelming to think of solutions and tiring to think of toppling systems that
benefit powerful corporations. However each of us bears responsibility for the actions we take.
Each action is the result of a choice, as insignificant as they may seem.
If every single one of us would be more mindful of our individual footprint on this planet, we could collectively make a huge difference and possibly change the course of history. The way humans dominated Earth is proof of what we are capable of, let us use this same capacity to save it before it is too late.
Film Summary
Drawing its title from the Hopi word meaning “life out of balance”, this renowned documentary reveals how humanity has grown apart from nature. Featuring extensive footage of natural landscapes and elemental forces, the film gives way to many scenes of modern civilization and technology. Given its lack of narration and dialogue, the production makes its points solely through imagery and music, with many scenes either slowed down or sped up for dramatic effect.